CRIM 250 Domestic Violence (Whyte): Alaskan and Native Americans

Finding Information

Native women are the highest victimized population in the United States by perpetrators of all races. (Bureau of Crime Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice. American Indians and Crime Report. Washington: 1999). When using keywords to find more information about this community, use "American Indian women", "Alaskan Native women", "Native American women", and  "indigenous women". Complications arise due to the tribal court system versus the American court system. 

Check out the Native and Alaska American encyclopedia entries in the Encyclopedia of domestic violence and abuse. There is an interesting chapter about Deaf Native Americans iEldridge, N. (2010). Culturally responsive psychotherapy with Deaf American Indians. In Irene W. Leigh (Ed.), Psychotherapy with Deaf Clients from Diverse Groups (2nd ed, pp. 183– 209). Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.
Fact Sheets
The Facts on Violence Against American Indian/Alaskan Native Women.
American Indian Women and Sexual Violence
Domestic Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women
New York State Resources
NYSCADV’s Domestic Violence and Indigenous Peoples Project

More than four in five American Indian and Alaska Native women and men have experienced violence in their lifetime, and more than one in three experienced violence in the past year, according to a new report from an NIJ-funded study. 
Office of Children and Family Services-Native American Services
Seven Dancers Coalition
Three Sisters Program
The National Congress of American Indians
Tribal Court Clearinghouse
National Institute of Justice article: Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women and Men section on Native Americans
Mending the Sacred Hoop

National Indigenous Women's Resource Center
Family and partner interpersonal violence among American Indians/Alaska Natives
The Violence Against Women Act: A Double-Edged Sword for Native Americans, Their Rights, and Their Hopes of Regaining Cultural Independence

Five Things About Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women and Men



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