MKTG 230 Principles of Marketing: Akdevelioglu MKTG 230

Chung; Akdevelioglu

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Library Instruction for MKTG 230

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Market Research, Industry & Company Library Resources


URL to Guide and News vs Scholarly

For the brand project here are some steps and info to consider:

  • Identify the industry your products falls into. Some industries are easy to classify and the names will match the names in databases. Some industries have names that might not be familiar or a database uses a unique name. And sometimes doing a project like this you might pick a very narrow industry and you will need to look at an industry one level up. For example you might not find an industry or market research overview for dog squealy toys so you back up to pet supplies as an industry to look at.
  • Is your brand name also the company name or is it different? Important for searching.
  • Academic articles are not likely to discuss your companies. You are looking or scholarship that is discussing the underlying theories or case studies that might help inform you about what the issue is. News and trade magazines and blog posts help us know what is happening  with specific companies, brands and products when reporting takes place.
    • Academic/scholarly articles help us understand the theories, long term issues, cases and observations scholars report or theorize about. For example imagine a newspaper covered someone observing apples fell from a tree. This is the "what happened." The news might have where the person was and how they saw an apple fall. Facts and a few details. But eh academic article by a scholar, maybe named Isaac Newton, will also observe those facts about the apple and maybe other falling objects and explain his theory of gravity and he may publish on this and then other scholars may build upon his theory and published their academic/scholarly articles over time. This is the academic literature that helps us understand how gravity works. In this very basic example think of this as the "how" it happens. In the case of marketing you might want to read academic articles about reputation management or price setting or customer retention. These are just three possible examples of the academic side of a topic.

Scholarly Article Characteristics

The above slide show will help you understand what a scholarly article is. These are sometimes referred to as academic or peer reviewed articles.

Choosing a Claritas Report Type

Use the matrix to identify the name of the report you want. It shows cross listings of variables. Then use the breadcrumb trail to locate the report in Claritas. Inside Claritas there are robust help guides to help you understand what reports contain and how to read them.

What each report type measures

  Behaviors Demographics Geography Segments
Behaviors Profile Ranking Index no report Market Potential Target Segment Measure Profile Worksheet
Demographics no report no report Consumer Concentration no report
Geography Market Potential Consumer Concentration no report Target Concentration Segment Distribution
Segments Target Segment Measure Profile Worksheet no report Target Concentration Segment Distribution no report

Where to find each report type

  • Consumer Concentration: Reports → Standard Reports → Demographic Reports → Consumer Concentration
  • Market Potential: Reports → Segmentation Reports → Lifestyler Reports → Market Potential
  • Profile Ranking Index: Reports → Segmentation Reports → Profiler Reports → Profile Ranking Index
  • Profile Worksheet: Reports → Segmentation Reports → Profiler Reports → Profile Worksheet
  • Segment Distribution: Reports → Segmentation Reports → Market Overview Reports → Segment Distribution
  • Target Concentration: Reports → Segmentation Reports → Locator Reports → Target Concentration
  • Target Segment Measure: Reports → Segmentation Reports → Lifestyler Reports → Target Segment Measure

Author: Lara Nicosia

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