How to AMA Cite: Reference List Format

The 11th edition of the AMA Manual of style was created by the American Medical Association for the health, medical and scientific fields. This is a quick visual guide only. You must consult Chapter 3 in the online AMA manual for detailed explanations.

How to create a reference list

Go to Section 3.7 Reference Lists

  • Do not include “personal communications” in the list of references. This includes lectures, class notes, and the like.
  • Pay Attention To the format, periods, italics and semicolons
  • References should be listed in numerical order at the end of the paper
  • Two references should not be combined under a single reference number.
  • Use the author’s surname followed by initials
  • The first letter of the author's surname should be capitalized
  • Initials are capitalized
  • No periods in between initials
  • The names of all authors including the 6th author should be listed
  • When there is  more than 6 authors, only add the names of the first 3 authors followed by “et al.”
  • Do not use and between surnames.
  • Roman numerals and abbreviations for Junior (Jr) and Senior (Sr) follow authors’ initials. The NLM uses “2nd,” “3rd,” and “4th,” JAMA journals use II, III, and IV, unless the author prefers arabic numerals.
  • In listed references, do not use ibid or op cit.



1 Author

Doe JF.

2 Authors

Doe JF, Roe JP III.

6 Authors

Doe JF, Roe JP III, Coe RT Jr, Loe JT Sr, Poe EA, van Voe AE.

>6 Authors

Doe JF, Roe JP III, Coe RT Jr, et al.

1 Author for or and a group

Doe JF; Laser ROP Study Group.

>6 Authors for or and a group

Doe JF, Roe JP III, Coe RT Jr, et al; Laser ROP Study Group.


Laser ROP Study Group.



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