How to AMA Cite: Book Chapter format

The 11th edition of the AMA Manual of style was created by the American Medical Association for the health, medical and scientific fields. This is a quick visual guide only. You must consult Chapter 3 in the online AMA manual for detailed explanations.

Book Chapter Format

 3.12.1 A complete reference to a book includes the following:

  • Chapter authors’ surnames and initials (the names of all authors should be given unless there are more than 6, in which case the names of the first 3 authors are used, followed by “et al”)

  • Chapter title (when cited)

  • Book authors’ and/or editors’ (and translator, if any) surnames and initials (the names of all authors should be given unless there are more than 6, in which case the names of the first 3 authors are used, followed by “et al”)

  • Title of book and subtitle, if any

  • Volume number and volume title, when there is more than 1 volume

  • Edition number (do not indicate first edition)

  • Name of publisher

  • Year of copyright

  • Page numbers, when specific pages are cited

  • NOTE: 11th edition manual, no longer recommends including the publisher’s location

Book Chapter Reference Examples


Prince M, Glozier N, Sousa R, Dewey M. Measuring disability across physical, mental, and cognitive disorders. In: Regier DA, Narrow WE, Kuhl EA, Kupfer DJ, eds. The Conceptual Evolution of DSM-5. American Psychiatric Publishing Inc; 2011:189-227.


Boushey CJ. Application of research paradigms to nutrition practice. In: Coulston AM, Boushey CJ, Ferruzzi MG, eds. Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease. 3rd ed. Academic Press; 2013:99-105.

Note that in example 2 above, the author of the chapter is also an editor of the book. In cases like this, names are given in both places: as authors of the chapter and as editors of the book. The same policy would apply if the authors of a particular chapter and the editors of the book were identical.

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