Part of the Esri suite, ArcGIS StoryMaps is an online platform that allows users to create highly interactive narratives (called 'stories') that combine maps, media, and text. Users create stories in their browsers and share them publicly as online applications.
RIT has a license for StoryMaps, but users need to request accounts from ITS. See the ITS software request site for more information or to submit a request. Instructors need to request accounts on behalf of students.
After obtaining an account, use the links here to log in.
Basemap: foundational map on which points or other information are added Blocks: building pieces of StoryMaps. Fall into general categories: text, multimedia, and immersive Express Map: one-time use map you can build directly within StoryMaps Guided Tour: numbered path - tie media to numbered points on a map Sidecar: reading pane; can be docked (in fixed position) or floating on top of background media Slideshow: full-screen media with floating navigation panel; includes horizontal navigation arrows Swipe: compare two maps or images by overlaying them and using central slider
These tutorials from Esri are a great way to see step-by-step examples of building features in StoryMaps.
Learn about specific features:
Look at examples: Browse StoryMaps