Mendeley: Getting Started

What Is Mendeley?

Mendeley is a free reference manager that runs on a crowdsourced database of references contributed by its community of users. Mendeley works with all major operating systems and web browsers, and integrates with Microsoft Word to create accurate citations and bibliographies in any citation style.

Installing Mendeley

New to using Mendeley?  Follow these four steps to get started:

STEP ONE: Download Mendeley to your computer

Mendeley Reference Manager is compatible with Windows, MacOS, and Linux

STEP TWO: Create a Mendeley account

Register for free with Mendeley.  Please note that Mendeley does not connect to your existing RIT computing account; you will need to create a unique account with Mendeley.

STEP THREE: Install the Mendeley Web Importer

The Web Importer is available for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Edge.  Install the Web Importer for the browser of your choice.

STEP FOUR: Install Mendeley Cite

Mendeley Cite is a citation add-in for Microsoft Word; see the Citing with Mendeley page on this guide for details 

Mendeley on your desktop

Open the Mendeley Reference Manager program from your desktop and log in with your Mendeley account information

Mendeley will sync any new references and documents added since its last use

Mendeley Web

If you log into the Mendeley website with your Mendeley account, you can also access your library of documents.

You can also use the Notebook feature to create and save research notes and annotations:

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Please contact your librarian with any questions.

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