Chella ManChella Man is an internationally acclaimed artist who identifies as Deaf, trans-masculine, Jewish, and Chinese. Expanding into painting, film, sculpture, and performance art, Man explores the continuum of identity and deconstructs binaries surrounding disability, gender, race, and morality. He is a curator and artist of Pure Joy: showing at 1969 Gallery (2022), author of Continuum (2021 ), the director, producer, and editor of the award-winning film The Beauty of Being Deaf (2021 ), executive producer of Trans in Trumpland (2021 ), designer of Opening Ceremony (2019), cast as Jericho in DC Universe's Titans (2019), and former columnist for Them of Conde Naste (2018). The man continues to educate and give talks internationally on the intersections of art, disability, queerness, race, and healing.