NTID Faculty Support: Copyright & Plagiarism


Copyright & Plagiarism

Course Materials:

  1. Use MyCourses to post course materials, not Google Drive. MyCourses is secure, and materials are accessible.
  2. For Google Drive, materials can remain indefinitely and pose risks of unauthorized sharing.
  3. No copyrighted materials, like books, should be posted on Google Drive. Instead, post persistent or durable links to library eBooks or upload book chapters (PDFs) from the library eBooks in MyCourses.
  4. Consult the Teaching and Learning office for compliance, instructional design support, and MyCourses.

Copyright Infringement vs. Plagiarism:

  1. Copyright Infringement: Involves the unauthorized distribution of someone else’s work. Creators earn money from the sale of their work. This is intellectual property, which is the same as physical property.
  2. Plagiarism: Involves claiming someone else’s work as your own. Always provide citations for direct quotes or paraphrased content.
  3. Example of a PowerPoint on copyright: Link.

Copyright Infringement Examples:

  1. Illegally downloading music, scanning/uploading copyrighted material, and sharing licensed content without permission are common violations. 
  2. Social media content, such as videos from YouTube and Facebook, should not be shared without proper authorization.


  1. Scanning purchased books for personal use (without sharing) is acceptable.
  2. Posting individual book chapters (if it is not a library eBook or book) in MyCourses is allowed, as it’s within Fair Use, with a maximum of 10% of the book for photocopying. If it is a library eBook, you can post the whole book using the persistent or durable link or use the PDF options available in the eBooks the library has
  3. For out-of-print books, copyright permission must still be sought before scanning and sharing if using the whole book. If using one chapter, this falls within Fair Use. Utilize the services of our ILL librarian.


  1. Articles can be shared via MyCourses by posting the article’s persistent or durable link or PDF from the library database. Google Drive should not be used for this purpose.

ChatGPT Use in Class:

  1. Check with your college and department re: ChatGPT policies. If there are no policies, faculty can set their policy on ChatGPT in their syllabus, specifying how it should be used or cited.
    1. Guidance on AI
    2. How to cite ChatGPT

Library Services:

  1. Instructional Scanning: The library offers high-quality (OCR-optical character recognition) scans for classroom use, generally limited to 10% of a book.
    1. Course Reserves Policy

If you need an eBook, ask the library to purchase it. If an eBook is unavailable, you can ask our ILL librarian to look into scanning chapters. If the book is requested more than five times and published in the last five years, copyright fees apply, which will be paid by the ILL librarian (illwml@rit.edu). Instructional Scanning is a courtesy for those who either don’t own the books or have them on hand or those who don’t have access to a scanner. You can post the readings as you need in your MyCourses shell for your course.

  1. Reserves: Faculty can add personal copies to the Reserve Desk or request the library to purchase the necessary print books (if not available as an eBook) to put on reserve. The books might already be in our collection. We have a course reserve form you can use to request print books be put on reserve. If you plan to use the reserve books again, this must be done every semester. When the semester ends, books are returned to the library collections.

        2. Public Domain: Materials in the public domain (published before 1929)    
 those with a Creative Commons license can be freely used in class, but always
           provide appropriate credit.

    1. Creative Commons Video
    2. Creative Commons PowerPoint

Resources on Copyright & Fair Use:

  1. RIT Copyright & Fair Use
  2. Fair Use Chart
  3. How to Use Copyrighted Works
  4. RIT Policies
  5. Contact Information: Who to Contact

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Please contact your librarian with any questions.

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