NENG 231 Bridge to College English: Ecotherapy

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Ecotherapy ("green therapy", "green exercise", "earth-centered therapy", "nature-based therapy", "nature-guided therapy",eco-wellness) refers to interacting with nature for healing and growth. This is a broad term for nature based methods of physical and psychological healing. Some examples of ecotherapy recreation are: gardening (horticultural) and plant/flower therapy, outdoors (adventure) therapy (camping), hiking therapy (walk and talk), animal assisted therapy like equine (horse) therapy, fishing, stargazing, bird-watching or wildlife viewing, photography and nature retreats.  Ecopsychology is the study of our psychological relations with nature. Check out Forests, Trees, and Human Health

You can research Deaf within this topic, such as outdoors recreation or adventure education. You can also research Deaf organizations (search Google) that participate in recreation and nature sports, ie, camping, gardening, horseback riding, fishing, etc. There are organizations such as the World Recreation Association of the DHH and the USA Deaf Sports Federation. You can search Facebook for these interest groups. Gina Oliva has written articles about deaf and recreation which you can find in our books and database articles.

An interesting topic to explore is Rural Tourism, Ecotourism,  Green Resorts or Adventure and Sport Tourism. These focus on visiting rural areas, farms, protected lands (parks), botanical gardens, and nature adventure and sports retreats. Check out Green Cities.

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