Magazine and newspaper news articles are great sources for trends, competitors, market size, distribution and more. You will have to be creative in how you search and patient in reading between the lines in order to put the pieces together.
Some of the news sources in our article databases are trade magazines. These are magazines targeting professional in specific industries. You will also sometimes find free trade magazines on the web.
When the library does not have full text of an article use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to order a copy
What are these databases?
These are aggregator databases with lots of different types of periodicals and content. They contain academic/scholarly items and practioner/practical resources. Think about Netflix. Netflix is a video aggregator with lots of different tv shows and movies from many content providers. Disney+ is also a video provider but only offers content they produce. The databases linked here are like Netflix. You will find many varieties or magazines, newspapers journals and other info. Once you go in try different search terms and explore the filters given on the left of results lists. Watch the tutorials provided because these tools are way more sophisticated than Google and you may never have searched a tool like this before.
Note that some resources contain both scholarly articles along with other types of articles. When doing a business plan or a marketing plan you will need practical articles reflecting current news or trends. If you do not know how to identify practical articles vs. scholarly/academic articles take a look Module 4 in LIV@RIT
Sample practical or trade article
Sample scholarly article