Deaf Art Collections: Buzgalo, Uzi (Israelite)

Uzi Buzgalo

This video is available courtesy of Patti Durr's Deaf Art, Deaf Artists website. Uzi Buzgalo was born in Afula, Israel. He was the first deaf child in the town. He used drawing as a way to communicate with his family and others. Uzi attended the Jerusalem School for the Deaf from childhood through adolescence. At the age of 11, Uzi began studying art at the Museum of Israel in Jerusalem. From 1973 to 1975, he studied lithography and sculpture at the Art Museum of Tel-Aviv. After this, he continued studying art in an art residency program, Ein Yod, in Haifa. In addition, he danced with a professional dance company, Kol Demama (sound-silence) which is internationally known for its Deaf and hearing dancers. They traveled all over the world for years. 

Title Medium Year Size Acquired Picture
Flower of Language

oil on canvas;
red wood


Purchased by
Joan Naturale,
NTID Librarian

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