NTID Drama Club Presented: Two One-Act Plays – "The Serpent" and "The Twins Separated"
The NTID Drama Club proudly presented its second major production, featuring two one-act plays: The Serpent and The Twins Separated.
A ceremonial play written by Jean-Claude van Itallie, The Serpent was directed by W. David Hagans. This production offered an evocative exploration that raised profound questions: How free is humanity? Why does death exist? What does it mean to make choices? Rather than providing definitive answers, The Serpent presented a tapestry of modern and ancient ideas, including themes from the Book of Genesis. It highlighted humanity’s enduring survival across generations while leaving its central questions unresolved.
The structure of The Serpent was unconventional, divided into short segments that posed questions, offered commentary, and revisited timeless stories. Additionally, the relationship between the actors and the audience was unique, with actors occasionally performing in the audience space.
[15-minute intermission]
Directed by P. Gibson Ralph, The Twins Separated was performed in the style of Commedia dell'Arte, a 15th-century Italian theatrical tradition rooted in mime and archetypal characters. This style remains influential today, particularly in slapstick comedy.
The plot of this production was inspired by Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, itself adapted from Commedia dell'Artetraditions. The play's lively, comedic tone delighted audiences of all ages.
Charles Baird, Ron Berger, Betty Bonni, Janice Cole, Sally Grillo, Bill Jennings, Sherry Palmer, Barbara Ray, Alan Rothstein, Tony Schiffiano, Ricky Smith, and Denis Tucker.