"What's Wrong with the Girls" by Conrad Seiler was directed by Patty Vogel and performed at the Booth Auditorium
Cast Members played these characters:
The Chairman: Charles Jones
Professor Delwyn C. Coots: Phil Rubin
Miss Hazel Duckworth: Betti Bonni
First Actor: Sammy Hargis
First Actress: Linda Kessler
Second Actor: Mitchell Travers
Second Actress: Sandra Sharoff
After rounding up the mothers of our beauty contestants, who have been backstage giving their daughters last-minute encouragement, a young Master of Ceremonies sends them to their seats. He explains to the audience the kind of contest he is staging for the Super Association for Supermarkets. Beauty and brains will be judged in this contest to select the Supermarket Queen. The five contestants, the Misses “Canned Corn,” “Pretzels,” “Prunes", “Skim Milk” and “Upside-down Cake,” parade before the judges. Then, to prove the girls have more than beauty, the M.C. quizzes them about such diverse matters as marriage, their ideal man, the political state of Europe, and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Etheleene Hudkins, “Miss Prunes,” is crowned, and the angry mothers of the losing contestants swarm the stage and send the M.C. and the judges fleeing every which way.