NTID Theatre History: Plays: 1973

Last Updated: Mar 6, 2025 5:16 PM

Drama Club

Club Officers: President Charles Baird; Vice President Ray Kenney; Secretary Barbara Ray; Treasurer Anne Makler.

Faculty Advisors: Loy Golladay, W. David Hagan, Richard Nowell, and Robert Panara.

NTID presented a few plays: "Persian Fantasies" and "Rashomon"NTID Focus article on 3rd annual drama awards "Persian Fantasies Focus on Drama Awards" with B & W photos

 LuJuan Brown-Best Dancer                                             Nancy Jagielski -Best Musical Number AwardB & W photo of LuJuan Brown accepting award for Best Dancer         B & W photo of Nancy Jajielski accepting award for best musical number

Paul Johnston With Award and Deborah Strazdus, Fargid Bozorgi, Barbara Ray 

B & W photo of Paul Johnston With Award and Deborah Strazdus, Fargid Bozorgi, Barbara Ray

Drama Club

NTID Focus article "Drama Club Relies on High Visual Impact"

Barbara Ray in the center

NTID Focus photo for the article "Drama Club Relies on High Visual Impact"

NTID Focus article "NTD Takes Audience on Memorable Journey" with B & W photo of a scene

Ric Peterson and Elaine Bromka in Optimism

Patrick Graybill, Bernard Bragg, Tim Scanlon and Timothy Near in Optimism

Patrick Graybill and Elaine Bromka in Optimism

B & W photo of Patrick Graybill and Elaine Bromka for NTD play, Optimism

NTID Focus article "Summer Theater Excites Betty Bonni, NTID Students" with a B & W photo of Betty Bonni

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