NTID Theatre History: Dark of the Moon: 1976

Last Updated: Mar 6, 2025 5:16 PM

Dark of the Moon: 1976

Dark of the Moon (1976) Poster Color Photo of Poster for Dark of the Moon: A Poetic American Folk Drama with Music by Howard Richardson and William Berney; shows at NTID Theatre; May 20-22 1976 Cost of tickets for students: $0.50; Others $1.50.

"Dark of the Moon" is a drama set in the Appalachian Mountains, telling the story of John, a "witch boy" who falls in love with a human girl named Barbara Allen and attempts to become human to be with her, but ultimately faces tragic consequences due to the superstitious townspeople's hatred and interference with their love, often resulting in betrayal and death; the play is based on the haunting folk ballad "Barbara Allen.". 


If you would like to see the video for personal research or class use, please contact Joseph Fox. 

Color Photos #1

Color Photo of Rich Nowell and Ann Walter

Rich Nowell and Ann Walter

Color Photo of the Act 1 Scene 3: Outside the Allen Cabin  [Left to right]: Harvey Gordan as Preacher Haggler, James Golownia as Mr. Allen, Pamela Giles as Mrs. Allen, and Edward Kelly as Floyd Allen.

Act 1 Scene 3: Outside the Allen Cabin

[Left to right]: Harvey Gordan as Preacher Haggler, James Golownia as Mr. Allen, Pamela Giles as Mrs. Allen, and Edward Kelly as Floyd Allen.

Color Photo of the Act 1 Scene 3: Outside the Allen Cabin  Edward Kelly as Floyd Allen (sitting) and the Witches (top)

Act 1 Scene 3: Outside the Allen Cabin

Edward Kelly as Floyd Allen (sitting) and the Witches (top)

Color Photo of the Act 1 Scene 4: The General Store

Act 1 Scene 4: The General Store

Color Photo of the Act 2 Scene 2: Barbara and John's Cabin  [Left to right]:  Terri Stransky as Mrs. Summey, Kathy Beuchel as Greeny Gorman, and Theresa Strong as Barbara Allen.

Act 2 Scene 2: Barbara and John's Cabin

[Left to right]:

Terri Stransky as Mrs. Summey, Kathy Beuchel as Greeny Gorman, and Theresa Strong as Barbara Allen.

Color Photo of the Act 2 Scene 2: Barbara and John's Cabin  [Left to right]:  Theresa Strong as Barbara Allen, Terri Stransky as Mrs. Summey, Pamela Giles as Mrs. Allen, and Kathy Beuchel as Greeny Gorman.

Act 2 Scene 2: Barbara and John's Cabin

[Left to right]:

Theresa Strong as Barbara Allen, Terri Stransky as Mrs. Summey, Pamela Giles as Mrs. Allen, and Kathy Beuchel as Greeny Gorman.

Color Photo of the Act 2: Scene 1: A Clearing in the Woods  [Left to right]:  Theresa Strong as Barbara Allen, Mario Gazzarelli as Marvin Hudgens, John Stockberger as John, the Witch Boy.

Act 2: Scene 1: A Clearing in the Woods

[Left to right]:

Theresa Strong as Barbara Allen, Mario Gazzarelli as Marvin Hudgens, John Stockberger as John, the Witch Boy.

Color Photos #2

Color Photo of The Witches - Kathy Burns, Raul Corujo, and Diane Sikorski.

The Witches - Kathy Burns, Raul Corujo, and Diane Sikorski.

Color Photo of [Left to right]:  Edward Kelly as Floyd, John Stockberger as John, the Witch Boy, James Golownia as Mr. Allen, and Pamela Giles as Mrs. Allen.

[Left to right]:

Edward Kelly as Floyd, John Stockberger as John, the Witch Boy, James Golownia as Mr. Allen, and Pamela Giles as Mrs. Allen.

Color Photo of the Act 1 Scene 1: A Ridge in the Smokey Mountains

Act 1 Scene 1: A Ridge in the Smokey Mountains

Color Photo of the Act 2 Scene 4: The Church  [Left to right: James Golownia as Mr. Allen, Thomas Fischer as Mr. Bergen, James Lennox as Mr. Jenkins.  Musicians [Left to right]: Mike Capie (Banjo), Joanne DeRoller (Guitar & Vocal), Margie Roney (Guitar & Vocal), and Ann Walter (Coordinator, Guitar & Vocal)

Act 2 Scene 4: The Church

[Left to right: James Golownia as Mr. Allen, Thomas Fischer as Mr. Bergen, James Lennox as Mr. Jenkins.

Musicians [Left to right]: Mike Capie (Banjo), Joanne DeRoller (Guitar & Vocal), Margie Roney (Guitar & Vocal), and Ann Walter (Coordinator, Guitar & Vocal).

Color Photo of the Act 1 Scene 4: The General Store

Act 1 Scene 4: The General Store

Color Photo of the Act 2 Scene 5: The Mountain Range  [Left to right]: Kathy Burns as 1st Witch, Raul Corujo as 2nd Witch, Robert Sisco as Conjur Man, and Diane Sikorski as Witch. Above: Voices for Witches: Lynn Clark, Jeanne Warner, Robert Williams, and Frederick DeLyser

Act 2 Scene 5: The Mountain Range

[Left to right]: Kathy Burns as 1st Witch, Raul Corujo as 2nd Witch, Robert Sisco as Conjur Man, and Diane Sikorski as Witch.
Above: Voices for Witches: Lynn Clark, Jeanne Warner, Robert Williams, and Frederick DeLyser.

Color Photo of the Act I Scene 2: The Town Square  [Front Left to right]: Michael Lamitola as Hank, Sherry Palmer as Edna, and Edward Kelly as Floyd.  (Back Left to right]: James Lennox as Mr. Jenkins, Gail Rothman as Grace Jenkins, Kathy Beuchel as Green Gorman, and Nancy Demarest as Nancy Atkins

Act I Scene 2: The Town Square

[Front Left to right]: Michael Lamitola as Hank, Sherry Palmer as Edna, and Edward Kelly as Floyd.

(Back Left to right]: James Lennox as Mr. Jenkins, Gail Rothman as Grace Jenkins, Kathy Beuchel as Green Gorman, and Nancy Demarest as Nancy Atkins.

B & W Photo of Robert Sisco and Pamela Giles (Conjur Man and Woman)

Robert Sisco and Pamela Giles (Conjur Man and Woman)

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